Optimismul se trezeste dimineata devreme cu tine,se bucura ziua si adoarme cu tine pentru ca sa te insoteasca si-n vis noaptea.Pastreaza acest dar de atitudine de la Dumnezeu si-ti va fi mai usor in toate.
Seful meu mi-a zis:
- Crezi ca poti sa vii sambata la serviciu, stiu ca e weekend si poate ai planuri, dar am nevoie de tine
- Sigur, nicio problema, am zis, dar e posibil sa ajung mai tarziu, sambata dupa cum stii e un trafic infernal.
- OK, cand crezi ca o sa ajungi?
- Luni.
Știi cât valorezi?
- Înţeleptule, am venit la tine pentru că mă simt atât de mic, de neînsemnat, nimeni nu dă doi bani pe mine şi simt că nu mai am forţa să fac ceva bun… Ajută-mă, învaţă-mă cum să fac să fiu mai bun? Cum să le schimb oamenilor părerea despre mine?
Fără ca măcar să se uite la el, bătrânul îi spuse:
- Îmi pare rău, băiete, nu te pot ajuta acum, am de rezolvat o chestiune personală. Poate după aceea… Apoi, după o mică pauză adaugă: Dacă însă m-ai putea ajuta tu pe mine, atunci poate că aş rezolva problema mea mai repede şi aş putea să mă ocup şi de tine.
- Aaa…încântat să vă ajut, bâigui tânărul cam cu jumătate de gură, simţind că iarăşi e neluat în seamă şi amânat.
- Bine, încuviinţă bătrânul învăţat, şi îşi scoase de pe degetul mic un inel şi-l întinse tânărului adăugând: ia calul pe care-l găseşti afară şi du-te degrabă la târg. Trebuie să vând inelul acesta pentru că am de plătit o datorie. E nevoie însă ca tu să iei pe el cât se va putea de mulţi bani, dar ai grijă, nici în ruptul capului să nu-l dai pe mai puţin de un bănuţ de aur. Pleacă şi vino cu banii cât mai repede!
Tânărul luă inelul, încălecă şi plecă. Odată ajuns în târg începu să arate inelul în stânga şi-n dreapta, doar-doar va găsi cumpărătorul potrivit. Cu toţii manifestau interes pentru mica bijuterie, până când le spunea cât cere pe ea. Doar ce apuca să le zică de bănuţul de aur că unii râdeau, alţii se încruntau sau îi întorceau imediat spatele. Un moşneag i-a explicat cât de scump este un ban de aur şi că nu poate să obţină un asemenea preţ pe inel. Altcineva s-a oferit să-i dea doi bani, unul de argint şi unul de cupru, dar tânărul ştia că nu poate vinde inelul pe mai puţin de un bănuţ de aur, aşa că refuză oferta. După ce bătu târgul în lung şi-n lat, răpus nu atât de oboseală, cât mai ales de nereuşită, luă calul şi se întoarse la bătrânul înţelept. Tânărul şi-ar fi dorit să aibă el o monedă de aur pe care s-o poată da în schimbul inelului, ca să-l poată scăpa pe învăţat de griji şi, astfel, acesta să se poată ocupa şi de el. Intră cu capul plecat.
- Îmi pare rău, dar n-am reuşit să fac ceea ce mi-aţi cerut. De-abia dacă aş fi putut lua doi sau trei bănuţi de argint pe inel, dar nu cred să pot păcăli pe cineva cu privire la adevarata valoare a inelului.
- Nici nu-ţi imaginezi cât adevăr au vorbele tale, tinere prieten!, spuse zâmbitor înţeleptul. Ar fi trebuit ca mai întâi să cunoaştem adevarata valoare a inelului. Încalecă şi aleargă la bijutier. Nimeni altul n-ar putea spune mai bine decât el cât face. Spune-i că aş vrea să vând inelul şi întreabă-l cât ţi-ar da pentru el. Dar, oricât ţi-ar oferi, nu-l vinde. Întoarce-te cu inelul!
Flăcăul încălecă şi plecă în goană…Bijutierul examină micul inel, îl privi atent cu o lentilă, îl răsuci şi apoi zise:
- Spune-i învăţătorului că dacă ar vrea să-l vândă acum, nu-i pot oferi decât 58 de bani de aur pentru acest inel.
- Cuuum, 58 de bani de aur?!? – exclamă năucit tânărul.
- Da, răspunse bijutierul. Ştiu că-n alte vremuri ar merita şi 70, dar dacă vrea să-l vândă degrabă, nu-i pot oferi decât 58.
Tânărul mulţumi şi se întoarse degrabă la învăţat povestindu-i pe nerăsuflate cele întâmplate.
- Ia loc, te rog, îi spuse acesta după ce-l ascultă. Tu eşti asemenea acestui inel, o bijuterie valoroasă şi unică. Şi, ca şi în cazul lui, doar un expert poate spune cât de mare este valoarea ta. Spunând acestea, luă inelul şi şi-l puse din nou pe degetul mic. Cu toţii suntem asemenea lui, valoroşi şi unici, perindându-ne prin târgurile vieţii şi aşteptând ca mulţi oameni care nu se pricep să ne evalueze…
Povestea aceasta este dedicată acelora care zi de zi se străduie, lustruind cu migală, să adauge strălucire bijuteriei pe care ei o reprezintă şi să crească valoarea pe care o au. Amintiţi-vă mereu cât de mare este valoarea voastră, chiar dacă mulţi din jur vă ignoră sau par să nu-şi dea seama cât sunteţi de preţioşi…!
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Cappadocia Turcia |
Bulişor, la ora de geografie, este întrebat de profesoară:
- Bulă, spune un afluent al lui Mississippi.
- Oh, io!?!
- Da, Bulă, dar se spune Ohio.
- Spune şi capitala Japoniei.
- Tot io?!
- Da, Bulă, Tokyo. Stai jos, 10, bravo!
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un psiholog suparat pe o domnisoara cu depresii repetate |
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O mama... |
HOW to FREEZE Aloe Vera GEL!
Everybody knows ALOE VERA is great for cuts and sunburns, even bug bites. It's been called the "First Aid" plant. Aloe vera's soothing gel inside the thick, succulent leaves is an incredible natural skin care "product." But what about the rest of the body: are there benefits for your insides too? Actually there are some very powerful benefits from the aloe vera plant. No one plant offers all the health benefits of the aloe vera plant.
~ Benefits Of ALOE VERA ~
• Aloe vera is an antioxidant and cancer fighter, especially
colon cancer
• Reduces and stops inflammation, both internally and externally
• Oxygenates blood and energizes cells, hydrates skin and repairs skin tissue
• Aloe vera heals internal digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, acid reflux - cleanses the intestinal tract
• Reduces risk factor for strokes and heart attacks by making "sticky" blood "unsticky," and boosts the oxidation of your blood, plus circulation
• Alkalizes the body, helping to balance overly acidic dietary habits
• Boosts cardiovascular performance and physical endurance
• Stabilizes blood pressure and reduces triglycerides
The Harvesting Process
When ready to harvest the gel from an aloe leaf, choose an outer leaf that is healthy and grows toward the bottom of the plant. To remove the leaf, cut it at an angle close to the plant's base. Plants that are too immature to harvest will not have leaves growing close to the ground.
Once you cut the leaf from the plant, place it upright in a container in a slightly tilted position. Let the leaf stay in that position for approximately 10 to 12 minutes, allowing the sap to drain from the leaf.
Place the aloe leaf on a flat surface such as a cutting board. Carefully cut off the tip of the leaf and the pointed rough edges on both sides using a very sharp knife. Make certain to cut both sides of the leaf all the way from top to bottom.
Separate the front and back of the leaf by slicing it lengthwise
from the inside.
Scoop out both the slimy mucilage gel and the clear inner gel which appears more as a solid gel. For most leaves, a spoon works for scooping out the gel. If the leaf is very large, a butter knife may work best. When removing the gel, it is important to press down lightly but firmly, being careful not to remove any remaining sap.
Storing the Aloe Vera Gel
Store the aloe gel in the refrigerator in a plastic container that is safe for food storage or a glass container. The best container choice is a dark green or brown glass jar, which helps to keep out light. Many people add a drop of vitamin E and a small amount of citric acid powder to prevent discoloration and make the aloe vera gel last longer. In place of citric acid powder, simply crush a vitamin C tablet into powder or use a drop of grapefruit seed extract.
Everybody knows ALOE VERA is great for cuts and sunburns, even bug bites. It's been called the "First Aid" plant. Aloe vera's soothing gel inside the thick, succulent leaves is an incredible natural skin care "product." But what about the rest of the body: are there benefits for your insides too? Actually there are some very powerful benefits from the aloe vera plant. No one plant offers all the health benefits of the aloe vera plant.
~ Benefits Of ALOE VERA ~
• Aloe vera is an antioxidant and cancer fighter, especially
colon cancer
• Reduces and stops inflammation, both internally and externally
• Oxygenates blood and energizes cells, hydrates skin and repairs skin tissue
• Aloe vera heals internal digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, acid reflux - cleanses the intestinal tract
• Reduces risk factor for strokes and heart attacks by making "sticky" blood "unsticky," and boosts the oxidation of your blood, plus circulation
• Alkalizes the body, helping to balance overly acidic dietary habits
• Boosts cardiovascular performance and physical endurance
• Stabilizes blood pressure and reduces triglycerides
The Harvesting Process
When ready to harvest the gel from an aloe leaf, choose an outer leaf that is healthy and grows toward the bottom of the plant. To remove the leaf, cut it at an angle close to the plant's base. Plants that are too immature to harvest will not have leaves growing close to the ground.
Once you cut the leaf from the plant, place it upright in a container in a slightly tilted position. Let the leaf stay in that position for approximately 10 to 12 minutes, allowing the sap to drain from the leaf.
Place the aloe leaf on a flat surface such as a cutting board. Carefully cut off the tip of the leaf and the pointed rough edges on both sides using a very sharp knife. Make certain to cut both sides of the leaf all the way from top to bottom.
Separate the front and back of the leaf by slicing it lengthwise
from the inside.
Scoop out both the slimy mucilage gel and the clear inner gel which appears more as a solid gel. For most leaves, a spoon works for scooping out the gel. If the leaf is very large, a butter knife may work best. When removing the gel, it is important to press down lightly but firmly, being careful not to remove any remaining sap.
Storing the Aloe Vera Gel
Store the aloe gel in the refrigerator in a plastic container that is safe for food storage or a glass container. The best container choice is a dark green or brown glass jar, which helps to keep out light. Many people add a drop of vitamin E and a small amount of citric acid powder to prevent discoloration and make the aloe vera gel last longer. In place of citric acid powder, simply crush a vitamin C tablet into powder or use a drop of grapefruit seed extract.
Pe o strada din Israel, are loc un accident rutier. Un turist iese de pe carosabil si intra cu masina intr-un pom. Omul se taraste afara din masina si ramane intins in iarba.
Un evreu trece prin apropiere. Se duce la accidentat si intreaba:
- Sunteti asigurat?
- Da, raspunde acesta cu greu.
- Aveti o asigurare si pentru persoanele aflate in masina?
- Daaaa....
- Aveti ceva impotriva daca imi ravasesc putin hainele si ma intind langa dumneavoastra?!
Comoara de la metrou. Cand coborati in statia Politehnica, brusc simtiti un miros de sare. Ati putea crede ca va inselati, insa explicatia este de-a dreptul naucitoare: FOSILE de-o seamă cu dinozaurii. 99% dintre bucureştenii care trec zilnic prin staţia Politehnica nu ştiu că păşesc pe un ocean pietrificat. Şi asta pentru că staţia, inaugurată în 1983, este pavată cu calcar roşu din Apuseni, în care sunt încrustate fosile rare de când nu exista viaţă decât în apă: scoici, moluște, corali, alge, gastropode, stromatolite.
Constructorii s-au grăbit să inaugureze staţia şi au scăpat din vedere "comoara" din adâncuri. Au existat unele ipoteze cum că cele mai vechi fosile ar avea 180 de milioane de ani vechime, însă geologii garantează pentru 65 de milioane.
Deşi în majoritatea staţiilor există "rămăşiţe" de fosile, fauna marină de la Poli se află în perfectă stare de conservare şi reconstituie un întreg recif de Rudiști, un sit paleontologic spectaculos pentru curioşi, dar mai ales pentru geologi şi studenţi.
Conducerea Metrorex vrea să exploateze "exoticul" și să-i facă pe neavizați mai atenți pe unde pun piciorul: la intrare se vor monta plasme care vor rula fosile în 3D și viața din Cretacic, iar în staţie, lângă reclame, vor fi amplasate panouri educative şi chiar câteva vitrine cu exponatele pe peron. "Rudiştii erau constructori de recifi calcaroşi, aşa cum sunt astăzi coralii, generatori de recifi. La Politehnica avem trei specii de rudişti-Vaccinites, Hippurites şi Radiolites, dominante în Cretacic. Se mai găsesc corali rari, alge calcaroase, melci", explică profesorul, desenând cu degetul în jurul fosilelor.
Fauna marină cretacică este conservată şi expusă perfect. "Se pot urmări generaţii succesive de rudişti, iar reciful poate să fie reconstituit tridimensional. E mai frumos ca la muzeu, poţi să atingi exponatele", spune conf. dr. Mihai Popa.
Scoicile de Poli, cheia dispariţiei dinozaurilor
Situl de la Politehnica e mană cerească pentru geologi, care pot să studieze una din cele mai interesante perioade din istorie, când au dispărut 60% din speciile din Mezozoic.
"Politehnica este mărturia unei epopei biologice şi geologice fascinante şi aminteşte de fragilitatea speciei noastre care declanşează schimbări cu o amplitudine ce se apropie de aceea a marilor exctincţii. Cu un bilet de metrou, te întorci în timp cu 65 de milioane de ani şi înveţi o istorie cu tâlc modern, propriul nostru memento mori", adaugă geologul.
Singurii studenţi care înţeleg ce sunt "petele" albe sunt cei de la Geologie, Geografie şi Biologie.
"În fiecare an, îmi iau studenţii aici să ţinem lecţii practice. Facem măsurători, reconstruim reciful şi facem planşe pe care o să le amplasăm aici. Sunt fascinaţi. Trimit aici şi geologi străini cu care intru în contact", e mândru profesorul.
"Spre deosebire de alte staţii, la Politehnica există fosile rare, perfect conservate. Un întreg recif de rudişti, moluşte dispărute acum 65 de milioane de ani.“
CONF. DR. MIHAI POPA, profesor la Facultatea de Geologie
Dr. Oz ~ Ditch the Diet Products and DASH instead
God's Garden of Eden ~ I love the bottom line: "healthy eating: whole grains, plenty of fruits and vegetables"
Kristin Kirkpatrick, registered dietitian and Wellness Manager for the Cleveland Clinic ~ Diets are big business. There are diet books, diet blogs, diet websites and a slew of diet products. The problem is, many diets don’t work and, at the end of the day, they may lead to malnourishment, increases in chronic disease, and even weight gain.
Why? Because so many diets focus on either eliminating an entire food group, drastically cutting calories or relying on heavily processed meals and snacks provided by a “diet” company. With all the advances in medicine as well as the increased attention to nutrition and fitness, you’d think we could finally get losing weight – and keeping it off – right. But, we still have not found the solution.
Perhaps it’s our use of the word “diet” and what it implies – a restriction or total elimination of things we love. There is one diet, however, that has stood the test of time, that has taken the smoke and mirrors out of the process and incorporated more of a “back to the basics” approach.
It’s the DASH Diet. The DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet stemmed from a series of studies conducted by the National Institutes of Health aimed at helping individuals incorporate a dietary approach to lowering their risk of high blood pressure. It was never meant for weight loss but, as more and more people tried DASH, it was evident that sticking to it may have meant getting the body you had always dreamed of. So what’s so special about DASH? As it turns out, its simplicity is what makes it so effective.
The breakdown of the diet is as follows:
A reasonable calorie level of about 2100 calories (although various plans are broken down that can go as low as 1600 calories or as high as 3100 calories based on individual needs).
Adequate intake of potassium, calcium and magnesium
Sodium intake with a goal of 1500 mg and not to exceed 2300 mg
Fiber intake of at least 30 g
6-8 servings of grains; with a goal of making the majority being 100% whole grains
4-5 servings of vegetables and 4-5 servings of fruits
2-3 milk products
6 or less sources of lean protein
4-5 servings of nuts, seeds and legumes per week
2-3 servings of fats or oils
5 servings or less of sweets or added sugars per week
30 minutes of physical activity each day, or 60 minutes to prevent weight gain
In addition to the basic parameters, DASH educational tools provide menus, suggested activities and a multitude of food suggestions on getting the right foods to fit within the basic parameters.
As a registered dietitian, I think one of the best things about DASH is its no nonsense approach to healthy eating. Whole grains, plenty of fruits and vegetables, and a minimum attention to animal products dominate. I also like that the individual on the diet can still have a few sweets during the week. Even though sugar is associated with several adverse health outcomes and eliminating it completely is ideal, many people find giving it up all together to be too much of a challenge. I’ve had several patients that have sworn it off, only to find themselves binging on sugar-laden snacks a few weeks into their diet. Allowing a moderate amount may, in fact, actually increase adherence.
Finally, let’s not forget the initial goal of DASH which is to stop the development of high blood pressure. High blood pressure puts us at an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, and kidney problems. Studies show that lowering sodium in the diet can help to significantly reduce the risk of these diseases and mortality associated with them as well. The DASH diet is a clear “win-win” for both disease risk and weight loss. Isn’t it time for you to take on a more simple approach?
ℒℴѵℯ / Thanks ➸ Kristin Kirkpatrick, MS, RD, LD
http://blog.doctoroz.com/ oz-experts/ ditch-the-diet-products-and -dash-instead#more-1232
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— at God's Garden of Eden.God's Garden of Eden ~ I love the bottom line: "healthy eating: whole grains, plenty of fruits and vegetables"
Kristin Kirkpatrick, registered dietitian and Wellness Manager for the Cleveland Clinic ~ Diets are big business. There are diet books, diet blogs, diet websites and a slew of diet products. The problem is, many diets don’t work and, at the end of the day, they may lead to malnourishment, increases in chronic disease, and even weight gain.
Why? Because so many diets focus on either eliminating an entire food group, drastically cutting calories or relying on heavily processed meals and snacks provided by a “diet” company. With all the advances in medicine as well as the increased attention to nutrition and fitness, you’d think we could finally get losing weight – and keeping it off – right. But, we still have not found the solution.
Perhaps it’s our use of the word “diet” and what it implies – a restriction or total elimination of things we love. There is one diet, however, that has stood the test of time, that has taken the smoke and mirrors out of the process and incorporated more of a “back to the basics” approach.
It’s the DASH Diet. The DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet stemmed from a series of studies conducted by the National Institutes of Health aimed at helping individuals incorporate a dietary approach to lowering their risk of high blood pressure. It was never meant for weight loss but, as more and more people tried DASH, it was evident that sticking to it may have meant getting the body you had always dreamed of. So what’s so special about DASH? As it turns out, its simplicity is what makes it so effective.
The breakdown of the diet is as follows:
A reasonable calorie level of about 2100 calories (although various plans are broken down that can go as low as 1600 calories or as high as 3100 calories based on individual needs).
Adequate intake of potassium, calcium and magnesium
Sodium intake with a goal of 1500 mg and not to exceed 2300 mg
Fiber intake of at least 30 g
6-8 servings of grains; with a goal of making the majority being 100% whole grains
4-5 servings of vegetables and 4-5 servings of fruits
2-3 milk products
6 or less sources of lean protein
4-5 servings of nuts, seeds and legumes per week
2-3 servings of fats or oils
5 servings or less of sweets or added sugars per week
30 minutes of physical activity each day, or 60 minutes to prevent weight gain
In addition to the basic parameters, DASH educational tools provide menus, suggested activities and a multitude of food suggestions on getting the right foods to fit within the basic parameters.
As a registered dietitian, I think one of the best things about DASH is its no nonsense approach to healthy eating. Whole grains, plenty of fruits and vegetables, and a minimum attention to animal products dominate. I also like that the individual on the diet can still have a few sweets during the week. Even though sugar is associated with several adverse health outcomes and eliminating it completely is ideal, many people find giving it up all together to be too much of a challenge. I’ve had several patients that have sworn it off, only to find themselves binging on sugar-laden snacks a few weeks into their diet. Allowing a moderate amount may, in fact, actually increase adherence.
Finally, let’s not forget the initial goal of DASH which is to stop the development of high blood pressure. High blood pressure puts us at an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, and kidney problems. Studies show that lowering sodium in the diet can help to significantly reduce the risk of these diseases and mortality associated with them as well. The DASH diet is a clear “win-win” for both disease risk and weight loss. Isn’t it time for you to take on a more simple approach?
ℒℴѵℯ / Thanks ➸ Kristin Kirkpatrick, MS, RD, LD
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Tags: God's Garden of Eden
Beneficial foods for Arthritis
❥ Apple, avocado, asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cucumber, fresh green leafy vegetables, ginger, garlic, onions, turmeric, plums, red grapes, pears and pineapple. Look out for foods that are labeled "anti-inflammatory". Essential fatty acids like flaxseed oil, borage seed oil, evening primrose oil are also necessary
(When taking any of the above, there may be initial pains due to the cleansing effect of these superior foods. STOP if the pain becomes severe)
❥ Pineapple juice contains Bromelain, and is a good anti-inflammatory food but drink only freshly squeezed juice. Canned or frozen pineapple juices have lost this pain-reducing enzymes
❥ Bromelain supplements may also help relieve arthritis pain, while you continue to eat healthy fresh foods towards your healing
* AVOID/REDUCE: Acid-forming foods: Animal protein, dairy products, deep-fried foods, cooked foods, processed/refined foods, oily foods, medication, flour and sugar products, salty foods, artificial food additives, soft drinks and alcohol. Plant proteins are also acid-forming but are more easily assimilated when compared to animal proteins. Plant foods to avoid: citrus fruits, peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, potatoes
* Arthritis is the inflammation of one or more joints. It is a degenerative condition due to OVER-ACIDITY of the blood that corrodes the cartilage in the joints--usually at the knees, wrists, elbows, fingers, toes, hips, shoulders, neck and the joints between the bones of the spine. Common forms of arthritis: Gout, bursitis, tendinitis, Carpal Tunnel, Fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis
ℒℴѵℯ / Thanks ➸ Dave Sommers - https://www.facebook.com/
Source: Juicing For Health
Decalogul Tacerii
1. Taci, daca nu ai de spus ceva valoros!
2. Taci, atunci cand ai vorbit destul!
3. Taci, pana cand iti vine randul sa vorbesti!
4. Taci, atunci cand esti provocat!
5. Taci, cand esti nervos si iritabil!
6. Taci, cand intri in biserica, pentru ca Dumnezeu sa-ti poata vorbi!
7. Taci, cand pleci de la biserica, pentru ca Duhul Sfant sa poata imprima in mintea ta lucrurile pe care le-ai auzit!
8. Taci, cand esti ispitit sa barfesti!
9. Taci, cand esti ispitit sa critici!
10. Taci, cat sa ai timp sa gandesti inainte de a vorbi!
Despre beneficile ceiului verde(anticancerigen)
Citatul zilei RVE TM
"Nimeni nu va predica bine altora dacă nu-și predică mai întâi inimii sale." Dwen John