miercuri, 8 august 2012

o picatura in zi

Am terminat-o cu lucrurile marete,
cu marile planuri,cu goana dupa succes.
Mi-e dor de acele subtile,inefabile
forte ale dragostei umane,ce razbat
de la individ la individ,asemeni radacinilor,
prin cele mai mici fisuri ale lumii,
dar care,in timp,vor sustine cel mai mare
monument al mandriei-omul.

 Wiliam Iames(1842-1910)

Bay South Garden by Wilkinson Eyre Architects. See more at:http://bit.ly/NXJFrX

Succesul iti da o multime de satisfactii,
dar nu si acea implinire sufleteasca
pe care doar iubirea ti-o poate da.

 Sam Goldwyn (1882-1974)

Ce urmeaza sunt de pe pagina:
273 de locuri pe care trebuie să le vezi înainte să pleci din România

E vremea vampirilor de mure :) Fotograf: Nate Liliana

 Sa vedem...cine recunoaste zona? Fotograf: Ionut Matache  Gura apei Vidraru

 Fotograf: Alisha Stefania(Cluj- Parcul Central)

Stana Regala Sinaia

Rasarit in Rarãu.Fotograf: Sorin Onisor

End 273...

firma de bijuterii cu desigm intre traditie si modern
http://www.joerg-heinz.com/ design modern nu toate sunt frumoase dar sunt si unele modele deosebite.


This is an older photo, but the cute image of his "race" against a little girl with prosthetic legs like his just surfaced:http://yhoo.it/R8HkcU

Hotel Paradis magnificent peninsula on the southwest coast-ment.

Mi-am cumpărat ceai din plante medicinale ca să slăbesc. E un pic amar, dar dacă îl bei cu o bucată de tort sau cu ceva prăjituri, e foarte bun!
  Sculptor Jim Hodges recently debuted his exhibit We are Poems at the Gladstone Gallery in New York City. In this installation, he gathered four large boulders and then removed some of the rocks' original surfaces, replacing the areas with polished, vibrantly colored stainless steel. The four sculptures are then arranged in a rough circular pattern to allow visitors to stand in the center and look at their own reflections. The installation was inspired by Hodges' recent trip to India. He also uses the reflective stones to reference many religious beliefs, from the Japanese Kami to Stonehenge and even Judeo-Christian's use of rocks in religious worship. The exhibit will be on display until December 22.
Who knew a trash bin could serve as more than just a container for garbage? Apparently Spanish art collective Luzinterruptus had a vision for this kind of thing when they created Plastic Garbage Guarding the Museum as part of the Oh, Plastiksack! exhibition at the Gewerbemuseum in the Swiss town of Winthertur.

The exhibition is intended to raise awareness about the use of plastic bags and their effects on the environment through artistic storytelling. According to the museum website, the indestructible objects "reflect consumer behavior, advertise status, reinforce identity, damage the environment and narrate our cultural history. At the same time, they are a symbol of our global society."

To collect the more than 5,000 bags used in the installation, residents of Winthertur were invited to donate disposable bags in exchange for tickets to enter the museum. The artists then chose the most colorful bags, filled each one with air, and put a light inside to illuminate the surrounding area. As the perfectly placed colorful sacks evolve over time into shabby, worn objects, visitors will experience a visual representation of the damaging toll these indestructible consumer products take on the environment.
 We've seen blue bodies of water, but nothing quite like this! Astrophotographer Phil Hart captured a mesmerizing series of images featuring an unbelievable, yet natural, blue sheen streaking through a sea of saltwater. The bioluminescence effect is the result of a defensive reaction employed by microorganisms in the Gippsland Lakes in Australia. Their radiant reflex is similar to the luminescent jellyfish found in the British Columbian coast.
Un tip isi conduce prietena acasa, noaptea, dupa discoteca. Ajunsi in pragul casei fetei, tipul se rezema cu cotul in perete si incepe vrajeala la greu.
Dupa vreo 15 minute se deschide usa si apare tatal fetei, chior de somn:
- Ba, a zis nevasta-mea ca face ea sex cu tine, numai ia cotul de pe sonerie!!


 Leonid Afremov (1955, Belarus)


Soţia lui Bulă îl suspecta pe acesta că o înşeală. El nu şi nu că nu e adevărat. Atunci soţia îi zice: - Bulă, pentru ca să mă convingi trebuie să mergem dimineaţă la biserică să juri că nu m-ai înşelat niciodată. Bulă e de acord, merge seara la preot şi-i cere ajutorul, iar părintele îi spune că nu poate să-l ajute, cu cele sfinte nu e de glumit. Atunci Bulă merge la maică-sa şi o roagă să îl ţină în braţe să îşi aducă aminte de vremurile când era copil. Apoi, acasă ajungând, face sex cu nevasta.
A doua zi dimineaţa îşi ia soţia, se duc la biserică şi, spre uşurarea nevestei, jură: - În faţa sfintelor icoane jur că de când m-a ţinut mămica în braţe şi până acum nu m-am culcat decât cu nevasta.

This is a hammer for realizing a dream

  Pentru mai multe poze care va vor lasa fara cuvinte (la propriu) click pe link 
--->: http://bit.ly/NZiddw

  The downhill curve in Meran, where the Etsch valley meets the Vinschgau, inspired the architect to give San Valentino villa a curved shape. http://architecture.mapolismagazin.com/stephan-unger-villa-san-valentino-merano-alto-adige 
  Am o foame.. :-S

 The QH Building, with its circular shape, is located at Al Raha Beach, near the center of Abu Dhabi. https://mapolis.com/en/building/HQ_Building_Abu_Dhabi#!profile
We first shared Maria Netsounski's gravity-defying portrait series with you, but since she is also a skilled landscape photographer, we had to show you another side of her creative work. The Netherlands-based photographer travels the globe, capturing breathtaking shots of landscapes filled with promise. She takes a familiar environment and transforms it. You've never seen Miami like this!

In this series entitled IR, Netsounski snaps shots of tropical hotspots (no pun intended) and, using infrared technology, distorts the colors in a beautiful way. Vivid shades of green and yellow are muted in the photos, while retaining a strong blue tone. What's left is a striking combination of icy whites and blues. The result is a fairy tale-like winter wonderland.
I say :like time freeze 

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